We invite Ukrainian people to visit Vilnius County Adomas Mickevičius Public Library (Traku street 10, Vilnius) and use the following services free of charge:
a free Reader Card is issued;
public internet access, computers;
copying, scanning services;
exhibitions, events, educational activities;
board games, literature in English, Russian languages;
open spaces for families, youth, community gatherings.
Contacts and more information about Library services:
Information in English: +370 652 69056 (Daiva)
Information in Russian: +370 677 88981 (Karolina)
Information in Polish: +370 677 88981 (Karolina)
Information in German:+370 601 43759 (Karmela)
We are united in supporting an independent Ukraine!
More Information to Ukrainian residents who have found refuge in Lithuania:
Valstybės biudžetinė įstaiga. Trakų g. 10, LT-01132, Vilnius, tel. +370 5 262 5570, el. paštas: [email protected] Duomenys kaupiami ir saugomi Juridinių asmenų registre, kodas 190757755.
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